Associate Professor of Marketing at Champagne School of Management, Troyes.
Damien Chaney holds a Ph.D. and a HDR in Marketing from University of Burgundy. He has three main research interests: the social evaluation of firms and markets, extraordinary and alternative consumption and consumer behavior and coproduction.
Selected publications
Debenedetti A., Philippe D., Chaney D. and Humphreys A. (in press) « Maintaining legitimacy in contested mature markets through discursive strategies: The case of corporate environmentalism in the French automotive industry », Industrial Marketing Management
Chaney D., Carrillat François A. and Zouari Abir (Forthcoming), Uncovering institutional orientation as a new strategic orientation in industrial marketing. Industrial Marketing Management.
Chaney D. (2019), A principal–agent perspective on consumer co-production: Crowdfunding and the redefinition of consumer power. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 141, 74-8
Noureddine S. and Chaney D. (2018), A measure of revenue management orientation and its mediating role in the relationship between market orientation and performance, Journal of Business Research, 89, 99-109.
Elommal N., Manita R. and Chaney D. (2018), Measuring exchange norms and its impact on satisfaction in a B2C context, International Journal of Market Research (Forthcoming).
Chaney D., Pulh M. and Mencarelli R. (2018), When the arts inspire businesses: Museums as a heritage redefinition tool of brands, Journal of Business Research, 85, 452-458.
Chaney D., Touzani M. and Ben Slimane K. (2017), Marketing to the (new) generations: summary and perspectives, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 25, 3, 179-189.
Humphreys A., Chaney D. and Ben Slimane K. (2017), Megamarketing in contested markets: the struggle between maintaining and disrupting institutions, Thunderbird International Business Review, 59, 5, 613-622.
Chaney D. and Drew M. (2016), The Role of Shared Values in Understanding Loyalty over Time: A Longitudinal Study on Music Festivals. Journal of Travel Research, forthcoming.
Chaney D. and Goulding C. (2016), Dress, transformation and conformity in the heavy rock subculture, Journal of Business Research, 69, 1, 155-165
Chaney D., Lunardo R. and Saintives C. (2015), In-store quality (in)congruency as a driver of perceived legitimacy and patronage behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 24, 51-59.
Ben Slimane K. and Chaney D. (2015), Towards marketing of functionality: insights from Michelin and Hilti, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23, 3, 225-237.
Chaney D. and Ben Slimane K. (2014), La grille d’analyse néo-institutionnelle au bénéfice de l’élargissement du marketing à des dimensions institutionnelle, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 29, 2, 99-117. [English version: A neo-institutional analytic grid for extending marketing to institutional dimensions]
Institutional Membership
Association Française de Marketing
Contact : damien.chaney at