Associate Professor of Marketing at Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, IRG
Alain Debenedetti holds a Ph-D from University of Paris-Dauphine. He has three main areas of research: the relationship between consumers’ and commercial settings, experiential marketing in retail, and the social evaluation of organizations and their brands.
Selected publication
Debenedetti A., Philippe D., Chaney D. and Humphreys A. (in press) « Maintaining legitimacy in contested mature markets through discursive strategies: The case of corporate environmentalism in the French automotive industry », Industrial Marketing Management
Schultz M., Chaney D. and Debenedetti A. (2016), An integrative perspective of closeness in retailing: From retailers’ sense-giving to consumers’ sense-making, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 32, 218-226.
Bonnemaizon A., Debenedetti A. and Mérigot P (2016), La participation du client au sein d’un environnement commercial : exploration des dispositifs et de l’initiative client dans un lieu attachant, Décisions Marketing, 82 (April-June), 91-107.
Debenedetti A., Oppewal H. and Arsel Z. (2014), Place attachment in commercial settings: a gift economy perspective, Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (February), 904-23.
Debenedetti A., Philippe D., Chaney D. and Humphreys A. (2018), How brands maintain their legitimacy in contested mature markets, Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Rouen, 22-23 Novembre.
Debenedetti A., Mérigot P and Bonnemaizon A. (2016), Customers’ participation to a commercial place as a circuit of and between practices, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lille, 6-9 juillet.
Bonnemaizon A., Debenedetti A. and Mérigot P. (2015), Customers’ participation and initiative in emotionally-laden places : The Coin de Verre case, 8th Interpretive Consumer Research Workshop (ICR), Edimbourg, 16-17 avril.
Philippe D. et Debenedetti A. (2014), Le rôle des ambassadeurs des marques de luxe : méritocratie, aristocratie et légitimité. Le cas de la Haute Horlogerie, in De Lassus C. et Briot E. (eds), Le Marketing du Luxe. Stratégies innovantes et nouvelles pratiques, Cormeilles Le Royal : éditions EMS, 91-106.
Institutional membership
Association Française du Marketing