Full Professor of Marketing at the University of Namur, Belgium
Alain Decrop is Full Professor of Marketing at the University of Namur, Belgium. He is Director of the CeRCLe (Center for Research on Consumption and Leisure) and a member of CCMS (Center for research on Consumers and Marketing Strategy). He holds master degrees in modern history and economics, and a Ph.D. in business administration. His research interests include consumer decision making, interpretive consumer research (CCT), qualitative methods, and leisure/tourism marketing. He is an associate editor of Annals of Tourism Research and the International Journal of Culture, Leisure and Tourism Research. His works have appeared in a number of books and leading academic journals, including Advances in Consumer Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychology and Marketing, Recherches et Applications en Marketing, and Tourism Management.
Selected publications
Decrop, A. (Sous la dir. de). La consommation collaborative: Enjeux et défis de la nouvelle société du partage (à paraître chez De Boeck en juin 2017).
Masset, J., & Decrop, A. (2016). “God, I have so many ashtrays!” Dependences and dependencies in consumer–possession relationships. Journal of Business Research, 69(1), 94-109.
Petr, C., Belk, R., & Decrop, A. (2015). Videography in marketing research: mixing art and science. Arts and the Market, 5(1), 73-102.
Decrop, A., & Derbaix, M. (2014). Artist-related determinants of music concert prices. Psychology and Marketing, 31(8), 660-669.
Decrop, A., & Masset, J. (2014). « This is a piece of coral received from captain Bob”: meanings and functions of tourist souvenirs. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 8(1), 22-34.
Arnone, L. & Decrop A. (2011). Construire une communauté de marque: le cas des clubs de vacances Lookéa. Décisions Marketing, 64, 35-46
Derbaix, C. & Decrop A. (2011). Colours and Scarves: An Ethnographic Account of Football Fans and their Paraphernalia. Leisure Studies, 30(3), 271-291.
Decrop, A. (2010). Le touriste consommateur. Comprendre les comportements pour améliorer son efficacité marketing, Bruxelles: De Boeck.
Decrop, A. & Derbaix, C. (2010) Pride in Contemporary Fanatic Consumption: A Marketing Perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38, 586 – 603.
Decrop, A. (2010) Destination Choice Sets. Annals of Tourism Research, 37, 93-115.
Decrop, A. (2008). Les paradoxes du consommateur postmoderne. Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 47, 85-93.
Decrop, A., Pecheux, C. & Bauvin G. (2007). La prise de décision dans les groupes d’amis: une étude exploratoire. Recherches et Applications en Marketing, 22, 2, 1-21.
Derbaix, M. & Decrop A. (2007). Authenticity in the performing arts: A foolish quest? Advances in Consumer Research, 34, 75-80.