Alexandre Tiercelin

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, IUT de Troyes (REGARDS).

Alexander Tiercelin is Assistant professor at University of Reims – IUT Troyes. He teaches customer relationship management and entrepreneurship.  Starting from our thesis devoted to the consumption practices of hardcore girl gamers, we question the relationship to the norms, and genders in the field of cosplay, or more broadly of geek culture. Our research approach is based on qualitative methods to understand consumer behavior, particularly life stories and comprehensive interview.

Selected publications

Tiercelin, A., & Remy, E. (2019). Le marché entre violence symbolique et émancipation : le cas des Hardcore gameuses. Recherche et Applications En Marketing (French Edition), 34(2), 26–44

Garnier M., Tiercelin A., Delannoy A. (2019), Quand la pub se la joue geek : mesurer la diffusion d’une sous culture. 35ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, Le Havre

Tiercelin A. et Garnier M. (2016), GEEK. A Symbolic Revolution ? 32ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 17-20 mai, Lyon

Tiercelin A. and Garnier M. (2015), Cosplay in Gender Troubles, In Advances in Consumer Research North American Conference, K. Diehl and C. Yoon (eds.), Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 43, 810-810.

Bah T., Ndione C. et Tiercelin A. (2015), Life Stories in management science. Epistemological and methodological orientations, Cormelles-le-Royal, Editions EMS, Collection Versus.

Tiercelin A. (2013), Market norms transgressions and the case of video games intensive consumers: the female gamers. Doctorate in Marketing (P.H.D) NIMEC, IAE of Rouen, Université of Rouen.

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