Boris Collet

Associate Professor at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc (IREGE)

Boris Collet is Associate Professor at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc. His research focuses on alternative cultures and markets, marketization and political consumption in the cultural and creative industries and addresses the human-nature relationship in the Anthropocene. Boris Collet explores the socio-cultural shaping of markets and consumption with the use of interpretive methodologies such as ethnographic and historical methods. He values conceptual and methodological pluralism and applies various theoretical perspectives.

Selected publications

Collet B., Rémy E. and Cléret B. (2023), The role of joint dynamics in the evolution of alternative market categories. A sociohistorical approach to independent music, M@n@gement, online first

Collet B. and Rémy E. (2023), Exploring the (un)changing nature of cultural intermediaries in digitalised markets: insights from independent music. Journal of Marketing Management 39(5–6): 443–469.

Collet B. and Garcia-Bardidia R. (2023), Plateformes et supports : une étude des formes de mise en valeur des musiques indépendantes par ses dispositifs, Volume !. La revue des musiques populaires.

Collet B. (2023), Etho-ethnography and Animals as Consumers: Towards an Animal Turn in Consumer Research, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lund, Sweden, 27-30 June 2023.

Ayoz S., Collet B., Gorge H., Thompson C. (2023), Feeling Dystopia: The Emotional Repertoire of Childfree Consumers in the Anthropocene, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lund, Sweden, 27-30 June 2023.

Collet B. (2020), « No Jury, No Prizes ». Aux origines de l’indépendance. Étude d’un marché alternatif : l’émergence de l’art indépendante en France et aux États-Unis (1884-1922), Carnets de la Consommation, n° 2.
