Felix Jelen

Doctoral candidate at University of Rouen Nomandie (NIMEC)

Félix Jelen is a PhD candidate under the supervision of the prof. Renaud Garcia-Bardidia.
Using qualitative methods, his work seeks to understand users of collaborative consumption in general, and Airbnb users in particular. Using both « dispositionalist and contextualist » Lahire’s theory and Goffman theoretical frame, he focuses his analysis on the interactions between members.

More broadly, he is also interested in Tourism studies, sociological approaches to consumption and qualitative methods.

Selected publications

JELEN F, GARCIA-BARDIDIA R. (2020), Proposer une offre sur Airbnb. Quels ajustements de la socialisation préalable dans le contexte de la consommation collaborative ? 19èmes Journées Normandes de la Recherche sur la Consommation.