The University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne is pleased to announce that it will be awarding Russ Belk the Doctorate Honoris Causa on June 9, 2023 (15:00 pm) for his outstanding contributions to consumer research.
If you want to attend the ceremony, please register here.
The ceremony will be preceded by a conference (June 8-9) to discuss and celebrate the many concepts that are emblematic of Russ’s career. Many of these concepts have been triggers for fertile research streams that have stimulated scholars all over the world for fifty years. Contributions will resonate with Russ’s work in a free format.
The two days are also an opportunity for Russ’s friends and colleagues to get together to honor his workand share a moment of exchange in a festive atmosphere. The works presented at the conference will follow four formats:
- Testimonies that trace back to the emergence of research themes that have marked the history of the field, such as the Consumer Odyssey
- Conceptual papers that present and discuss concepts from Belk’s works and their subsequent refinements, extensions or controversies
- Empirical research that offers additional explorations of meta-concepts such as the extended self, materialism, desire, possessions, ownership, gift-giving, sharing, etc.
- Consumer research videographies.
The Fifty Years of Consumer Research Program
Find below the links to the tribute videos created in honor of Russel Belk: