Assistant Professor at Université of Lille (MERCUR-LSMRC research center)
Hélène Gorge is assistant professor in marketing at the Université de Lille. She is a member of MERCUR-LSMRC research center. She mostly uses sociological and historical perspectives in her work to investigate the transformative nature of consumption in various contexts; poverty in particular, but also health and sustainability.
Selected publications
Dunnett S., Hamilton K., Piacentini M., Banister E., Gorge H., Kaufman C. and Nairn A. (2019), Exploring the relations in relational engagement : addressing barriers to Transformative Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, 100, 327-338.
Cailluet L., Gorge H. and Özçağlar-Toulouse H. (2018), « Do not expect me to stay quiet » : challenges in managing a historical strategic resource, Organization Studies, 39, 12, 1811-1835.
Delacroix E. et Gorge H. (2017), Marketing et pauvreté : être pauvre dans la société de consommation, Paris, Editions Management et Société.
Beudaert A., Gorge H. and Herbert M. (2017), An exploration of servicescapes’ exclusion and coping strategies of consumers with « hidden » auditory disorders, Journal of Services Marketing, 31, 4/5, 326-338.
Benmecheddal A., Gorge H. and Özçağlar-Toulouse N. (2017), Rethinking alternative markets in the context of economic crisis and austerity in Greece, Journal of Macromarketing, 37, 2, 193-205.
Gorge H., Özçağlar-Toulouse N. et Toussaint S. (2015), Bien-être et well-being du consommateur : une approche comparative, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 30, 2, 104-123. [Bien-être and well-being in consumer research: A comparative analysis, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 30, 2, 97-115]
Gorge H., Herbert M., Özçağlar-Toulouse N. and Robert I. (2015), What do we really need? Questioning consumption through sufficiency, Journal of Macromarketing, 35, 11-22.
Hamilton K., Piacentini M.G., Banister E., Barrios A., Blocker C.P., Coleman C.A., Ekici A., Gorge H., Hutton M., Passerard F., Saatcioglu B. (2014), Poverty in consumer culture: towards a transformative social representation, Journal of Marketing Management, 30, 17/18, 1833-1857.
Gorge H., Herbert M., Özçağlar-Toulouse N. and Robert I. (2014), Explorer les éléments structurants de la sobriété, Economie et Sociétés, 1, 143-157.
Gorge H. and Özçağlar-Toulouse N. (2013), Expériences de consommation des individus pauvres en France: Apports du Bas de la Pyramide et de la Transformative Consumer Research, Décisions Marketing, 72, 139-156.
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