Maîtresse de conférences à l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc (IREGE)
Ingénieure agronome de formation, Margot Dyen est maître de conférences en sciences de gestion. Ses travaux se concentrent sur les pratiques alimentaires, appréhendées en termes de durabilité, de bien-être et de santé.
Publications principales
S. Guillemot, M. Dyen, A. Tamaro (2021) The process of coping with a negative service: the case of food in nursing homes seen through an identity lens, Journal of Service Research, numéro special portant sur les effets inattendus des services.
M. Dyen, S. Guillemot, A. Tamaro (2021) Consumption and dependency: Understanding the transition from 3rd to 4th age Journal of Marketing Management
M. Dyen, L. Sirieix, S. Costa (2021) Fostering food waste reduction through food practices temporalities, Appetite Special Issue Food Waste.
M. Dyen, L. Sirieix and S. Costa (2021) Bien manger et ne pas gaspiller la nourriture, une question d’organisation ?, Décisions Marketing
M. Dyen, L. Sirieix, S. Costa, L. Depezay, E. Castagna (2018). Exploring the dynamics of food routines: a practice-based study to understand households’ daily life. European Journal of Marketing – Special issue Families and food: marketing, consuming and managing
M. Dyen and L. Sirieix, (2016). How does a local initiative contribute to social inclusion and promote sustainable food practices? Focus on the example of social cooking workshops. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40(6), 685-694
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