Patrice Cottet

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, IUT de Troyes (Laboratoire REGARDS)


Patrice Cottet is Associate Professor in Marketing at the University of Reims (IUT of Troyes). His research interests include resistance to advertising (the representative actions of resistance toward advertising and their underlying motivations, packaging perception), retailing (affective reactions to the store) negotiation (game theory, gender) and gambling behavior (magic thinking).


Selected publications

Cottet P., Ferrandi J-M., Lichtlé M-C and Plichon V (2016), Consumer’s regulation orientation scale: a preliminary test of its validity, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Paris.

Cottet P., Lichtlé M-C., Plichon V. et Ferrandi J-M. (2015), Image d’hospitalité des villes touristiques : le rôle de la communication, Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 108, 47-65. (Hospitality perception of tourist cities: the role of communication).

Cottet P., Ferrandi J-M. et Lichtlé M-C. (2012), Les consommateurs résistants à la publicité : leurs principales actions et motivations, Décisions Marketing, 68, 25-36. (The resistant toward advertising consumers: their main actions and motivations).

Cottet P., Lichtlé M-C. et Plichon V. (2012), Fidélité transactionnelle ou relationnelle : une approche qualitative, Gestion 2000, 3, 63-82. (Transactional or relational loyalty: a qualitative approach).

Cottet P., Ferrandi J-M. and Lichtlé M-C. (2011), First test and validation of a scale of resistance behavior toward advertising, Journal of Marketing Trends, 1, 51-64.


Institutional Membership

Association Française de Marketing

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