Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University (URCA, REGARDS).
As an assistant professor at University of Reims, I am working on consumer ethnicity and acculturation. In the context of global mobility, consumption is a way for migrant populations to express their identity, and to find their place in the world. My research explores this path with a socio-anthropological approach. It considers cultures of consumption through the lens of CCT influence. From both a dialogic and cross-cultural perspective from the Senegalese migrants’ experience, collaborations with other researchers are under way to better understand the dynamics of travelling cultures. We also try to rework the meaning of sub-national ethnicity and consumption frames in Africa in order to develop a new theorization of postcolonial marketing.
Selected publications
Diaw D., Lessoua A. et Ndione L.-C (2019) Specialization in Entry-Level Products : A Strategy for Industrial Development in Africa. Management international , (A paraître)
Rémy, E., et Ndione, L. C. (2018). L’impact de la globalisation sur les systèmes de don : le cas de la migration sénégalaise. Recherche et Applications En Marketing, 1-17
Ndione L.C. et Rémy E. (2018), Joindre l’image à la parole pour comprendre le sens culturel des pratiques : Ce que révèle la photo-élicitation, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 33, 3, 65-89.
Ndione L.C., Decrop A. et Rémy E. (2018), Migrants going back homeland for holidays: rituals and practices of Senegalese migrants in France, Annals of Tourism Research, 70, 25-38. .
Ndione L.C., Rémy E. et Bah T. (2017), Ethnicité, consommation et retours temporaires au pays d’origine : le cas de la figure des Venants sénégalais, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 32 (4): 58-76.
Bah T., Boussaguet S., De Feyman J. et Ndione L.C. (2017), La transmission des entreprises familiales au Sénégal : Quelles spécificités culturelles, Revue internationale des PME, 30 (3-4): 127-161.
Bah T., Ndione L.C. et Tiercelin A. (2015), Life Stories in management science. Epistemological and methodological orientations, Cormelles-le-Royal, Editions EMS, Collection Versus.
Ndione L.C. et Decrop A. (2016), Vive les vacances au pays » : rituels et pratiques touristiques des migrants sénégalais, 2ème Journées de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est, Reims, 1 avril.
Ndione L.C. (2015), Paul Ricœur : un détour par la consommation, in E. Rémy, Ph. Robert-Demontrond, Regards croisés sur la Consommation, Tome 2 – Des structures au retour de l’acteur, Cormelles-le-Royal, Editions EMS, Collection Versus, 187-208.
Institutional Membership
Association Française de Marketing
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