Daniele Dalli

Professor of Marketing at the University of Pisa

My field is consumer research and I follow an interpretive approach and use qualitative methods, mainly. My recent topics of interest are the sharing economy and consumers’ acquisition practices, the constructive role of consumers in the market(ing) process, and the ethical dimension of consumption and marketing. I published in – among others – International Journal of Research in Marketing, Marketing Theory, Journal of Business Ethics, Managing Service Quality, Management Decision.

Selected publications

Vollero, A., Dalli, D., Siano, A. (2016) Brand negotiation and brand management. An actor network theory perspective, in Mercati & Competitività, (4): 23-42.
Galvagno, M., Dalli, D. (2014). Co-creating value with customers: literature review and bibliometric analysis, Managing Service Quality, 24 (6): 643-683.
Carù, A., Cova, B., Dalli, D. (2014). Mediterranean marketing and southern thinking: retrospects and prospects, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 13 (3): 157-163.
Corciolani, M., Dalli, D. (2014). Gift-giving, sharing and commodity exchange at Bookcrossing.com: new insights from a qualitative analysis, Management Decision, 52 (4): 755-776.
Sebastiani, R., Montagnini, F., Dalli, D. (2013) Ethical consumption and new business models in the food industry. Evidence from the Eataly case, Journal of Business Ethics, 114 (3): 473-488.
Jafari, A., Firat, F., Suerdem, A., Dalli, D., Askegaard, S. (2012) Non-Western contexts: the invisible half, Marketing Theory, 12 (1): 3-12.
Romani, S., Grappi, S., Dalli, D. (2012) Emotions that drive consumers away from brands: measuring negative emotions toward brands and their behavioral effects, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29 (1): 55-67.
Cova, B., Dalli, D., Zwick, D. (2011) Critical perspectives on consumers’ role as “producers”: broadening the debate on value co-creation in marketing processes, Marketing Theory, 11 (3): 231-241.
Cova, B., Dalli, D. (2009) Working Consumers: The Next Step in Marketing Theory?, Marketing Theory, 9 (3): 315-339.

Contact : daniele.dalli@unipi.it