Laurent Busca

Ph.D. in Management Sciences – Marketing

Maître de Conférences – Institut Montpellier Management (Université de Montpellier) – MRM

Laurent Busca received a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from Université Toulouse Capitole. He is interested in the enactment of routine marketing practices and the way these practices influence the shaping of markets. Integrating various theoretical perspectives such as Critical Realism, Practice Theory, ANT, Foucauldian Theory and Neo-Institutionalism, he analyses the way marketing routines interact with material artefacts in order to intertwine and destabilize cultural structures of representations and how these mechanisms cause market evolutions. This interest led him to investigate the historical evolution of digital marketing and epistemological issues in marketing and management sciences.

He is now involved as a member of the Cit.Us Research Chair on uses and practices of the Smart City.

Selected publications

Busca L. et Bertrandias L. (2020), A Framework for Digital Marketing Research : Exploring the Four Cultural Eras of Digital MarketingJournal of Interactive Marketing, 49, 1-19.

Busca, L. (2018), Histoire de résistances : une approche généalogique de l’Internet marchand. In Gicquel, Y. & Roux, D. (eds) Penser critique. La consommation au prisme des mondes de Foucault, Editions EMS, Paris.

Busca, L., & Bertrandias, L. (2019) « Reconsidérer les recherches quantitatives au prisme du réalisme critique ». In In 35th AFM Conference, Le Havre, May 15-17

Busca, L., & Do Vale, G. (2019) « Vers une définition du concept de pratique marketing ». In In 35th AFM Conference, Le Havre, May 15-17

Busca, L., Casteran, G., Massa, C., & Plotkina, D. (2019), « The impact of organic private label on retailer perceptions and recommendation and shopping intent towards a retailer ». In 48th EMAC Conference, Hambourg, Germany, May 28– 31

Busca, L. (2018). « L’étude des Routines Marketing : Conceptualisation, Perspectives Théoriques et Pertinence Managériale et Pédagogique ». In 34th AFM Conference, Strasbourg, May 16-18.

Busca, L., & Bertrandias, L. (2016). The Many-Faced Consumer: Practices and Consequences of Social Media Government. In 2016 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 27-30.

Busca, L., Casteran, G. & Ruspil, T. (2015). Crafting the value of the link: practices, inscriptions and hierarchical position in modding communities. In 31st AFM Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, May 20-21.
