Maud Herbert

Associate professor at Université Lille 2, co-head of MERCUR Blanchemaille, laboratoire de marketing sociétal et comportemental


My research deals with the enactment, development and transformations of individual and collective identity projects in several contexts. Specifically, I study phenomenon where consumers are either marginalised by the mainstream market (vulnerable consumers) or challenging it (sufficiency and dispossession, CSA, Prosumerism). I also do explore how some cultural production systems may predispose or constrain consumers and groups toward specific identity projects and how collective projects dynamics can create new markets.

I can be labelled as a Consumer Culture Theory researcher but I also feel close to Transformative Consumer Research, especially because I value methodological pluralism.


Selected publications

Cléret B., Dehling A., Leroy J., Rokka J., Sohier A. et Herbert M. (2018), L’approche vidéographique dans la recherche en marketing : Quel protocole méthodologique ?, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 33, 3, 90-127.

Herbert M., Robert I. & Saucede F. (forthcoming), Going Liquid: French food retail industry experiencing an interregnum, Consumption Markets and Culture.

Beudaert A., Gorge H. & Herbert M. (2017), An exploration of servicescape exclusion and coping strategies of consumers with « hidden » auditory disorders, Journal of Services Marketing, 31(4/5), 326-338.

Herbert M. & Collin-Lachaud I. (2017), Pratiques collaboratives et habitus consumériste : une analyse des mécanismes transformatifs de la consommation collaborative, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 32 (1), 42-62. Publié en ligne le 10 août 2016.

Gorge H., Herbert M., Özçağlar-Toulouse N. & Robert I. (2015), What Do We Really Need? Questioning Consumption through Sufficiency, Journal of Macromarketing, 35 (1) 11-22.

Beji-Becheur A., Herbert M. & Özçağlar-Toulouse N. (2011), Etudier l’ethnique : la construction de la responsabilité des chercheurs face à un sujet sensible, Revue Française de Gestion, 37 (216), 111-128.


Institutional Membership

Association Française du Marketing

Consumer Culture Theory Consortium
