Julien Bouillé

Associate Professor at Rennes 2 University and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Research on Societal Innovation (LiRIS EA 7481)


Julien Bouillé’s research revolves around the study of the ethical, political and digital dimensions that underpin responsible as well as emerging consumer behaviours. His work particularly focuses on the rhetorical and semantic aspects of communications fostering prosociality in consumer choices. He examines the influence of these linguistic elements on consumers’ attitudes and behaviours, mainly through laboratory experiments and discourse analysis.


Selected publications

Akil H., Robert-Demontrond P. & Bouillé J. (2018), Exploitation of mortality salience in communication on climate change, Recherche et Applications en Marketing – English edition, 33(1), 2-29.

Bouillé J. & Cornée S. (2017), La gouvernance des organisations de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire à l’épreuve dynamique de leurs « Grandeurs », Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics/Annales de l’économie publique, sociale et coopérative, 88(4), 567-588.

Akil H., Bouillé J. & Robert-Demontrond P. (2017), Visual representations of climate change and individual decarbonisation project: an exploratory study, Responsible Organization Review/Revue de l’organisation responsable, 12(1), 66-80.

Croizean J.-P., Robert-Demontrond P., Bouillé J. & Allano-Frey M. (2016), Discours et pratiques en matière de stratégie carbone : le cas de la grande distribution intégrée en France, Management International, 20(4), 26-44.

Bouillé J., Basso F. & Robert-Demontrond P. (2016), The embodied rhetoric of consumerist activism through the lens of conceptual metaphor theory: an exploratory study and research perspectives, Recherche et Applications en Marketing – English edition, 31(2), 81-104.

Basso F., Bouillé J., Le Goff K., Robert-Demontrond P. & Oullier O. (2016), Assessing the Role of Shape and Label in the Misleading Packaging of Food Imitating Products: From Empirical Evidence to Policy Recommendation, Frontiers in Psychology, 7(450), 1-13.

Bouillé J. & Robert-Demontrond P. (2015), Webactivisme et dynamiques de la résistance consumériste. Cadre analytique et étude expérimentale, RIMHE : Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme(s) & Entreprise, 16(2), 37-59.

Bouillé J., Robert-Demontrond P. & Basso F. (2014), Mesurer la force persuasive de l’activisme consumériste: une étude expérimentale de la théorie des cités appliquée aux food imitating products, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 29(1), 79-113.


Institutional membership 

Association Française de Marketing







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