Professor of Marketing at EM Lyon
Lionel Sitz is responsible of the Transforming markets. Changing Lifestyles Research Center. It’s goal it to favour collaborations between researchers working on the functioning of markets, their transformations, their evolutions and their links with the ways people conduct their lives.
His research interests concern, among other things, brand communities, relationships between ethnicity and consumption, consumer resistance and shopping experience. He is particularly interested in consumer social movements, the construction of collective consumer identity, sociological and anthropological approaches of consumption and qualitative methodologies. He is responsible of the research center « Transforming Markets. Changing Lifestyles » (TMCL). His teaching revolves around branding, consumer behavior and sociology and anthropology of consumption.
Selected publications
Auriacombe B., Sitz L. et Guers Rémi (2015), Stratégie de marque dans les services de transport, In M. Besson, L. Guéret-Talon et M. Abaramovici, Le cas des services : Recueil de cas en management et marketing des services, Cormelles-le-Royal, Editions EMS, 165-184.
Dion D., Rémy E. et Sitz L. (2014), L’enracinement dans les cultures régionales pour créer des marques fortes, Annales Méditerranéennes d’Economie, forthcoming.
Dion D. et Sitz L. (2013), Enrichir la compréhension des comportements de consommation : pistes opérationnelles et enjeux organisationnels, Décisions Marketing, 71, 45-58.
Sitz L., Dion D. et Rémy E. (2013), Embodied Ethnicity: the ethnic affiliation grounded in the body, In M. Tadajewski and R. Cluley, International Perspectives of Marketing Theory, London, Sage.
Dion D., Sitz L. et Rémy E. (2012), Légitimité et authenticité des affiliations ethniques : le cas du régionalisme, Recherche et Application en Marketing, 27 (1), 59-77.
Rémy E., Sitz L. et Dion D. (2012), L’identité régionale en France, In A. Béji-Becheur et N. Ozcaglar-Toulouse, L’ethnicité, fabrique marketing ?, Cormelles-le-Royal, Editions EMS, 211-230.
Dion D. et Sitz L. (2012), Regional affiliations: Building a marketing strategy on regional ethnicity, L. Peñaloza, N. Toulouse and L. Visconti (eds.), Cultural Marketing Management: Strategies and Practices, London, Routledge, 60-77.
Institutional Membership
Association Française de Marketing