Inès Chouk

Marketing Professor at Cergy Pontoise University (THEMA) Inès Chouk holds a PhD from Paris Dauphine University and a professional certificate in “Global Affairs” from New York University. She’s a marketing professor and a co-director of the Master 2 “Information Technology, Marketing and Management” at Cergy-Pontoise University (France). In 2013, she joined the “Digital Economy” chair of […]
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Delphine Corteel

Assistant Professor of sociology at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University (URCA, REGARDS). Delphine Corteel is assistant professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. She teaches anthropology and sociology. Her research interests include the anthropology of work in industrialized countries, especially in the area of garbage collection and reuse, as well as the politics of value regarding waste. […]
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Renaud Garcia-Bardidia

Professor of Marketing at INSPE Dijon – University of Burgundy (CREGO) Renaud Garcia-Bardidia‘ s research deals with emerging internet uses and the digitalization of consumption practices. He has worked in particular on the stigma associated with illegal downloading and videogames, but also on collaboration and conflicts in metaverses, social networks or sharing economy platforms. His research […]
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Christine Gonzalez

Full Professor at the University of Maine, Le Mans, France (UFR Law, Economy and Management)   Christine Gonzalez is full professor in marketing at the University of Maine in Le Mans (UFR Droit Economy Gestion). Her researchfocus(1) on the value consumers withdraws from exchanges with organizations and (2) on how consumers develop a « sense of exchange […]
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Dominique Kréziak

Senior Lecturer in Marketing at University Savoie Mont Blanc, France   Dominique Kréziak is a senior lecturer at University Savoie Mont Blanc, France. Her research interests range from upcycling, creative repurposing of waste and sustainability, to tourism and dissidences in leisure and sports.   Selected publications Kreziak D. et Frochot I. (2017), Diversification innovante de l’offre : […]
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Anissa Pomiès

Assistant Professor of Marketing at emlyon business school   Anissa Pomiès holds a Master’s degree in Sociology from La Sorbonne University and École Normale Supérieure. She received a Ph.D. in Marketing from La Sorbonne University and ESCP Europe. She explores market dynamics and taste through ethnographic methods. She is also interested in epistemology and the visual translation […]
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Conférence Développement durable 2.0 – Le numérique, accélérateur de la transition écologique ?

Jeudi 23 juin 2016 // 9h00 – 17h00 Sciences Po Paris – Amphithéâtre Caquot Le numérique est un puissant outil de transformation de nos sociétés et de nos économies. Le succès d’initiatives portées par des entreprises ou des associations – Blablacar, Leboncoin, FixMyStreet – a mis en lumière un des atouts de la « révolution » digitale […]
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Roux D. et Nabec L. (2016) (coord.), Protection des consommateurs : les nouveaux enjeux du consumérisme

Cormelles le Royal, EMS, Collection Versus.   Introduction Dominique Roux et Lydiane Nabec Alors que notre société de consommation contemporaine n’a jamais été autant à l’écoute des individus pour satisfaire leurs besoins et leurs désirs variés, pourquoi est-il nécessaire aujourd’hui encore de s’intéresser à la protection des consommateurs ? Une première raison vient de ce […]
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CFP – 3rd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy

University of Southampton 15-16 September 2016 Keynote speakersRachel BotsmanGernot Grabher SubmissionsSubmit an abstract of 200 words between February 15th and June 1st, 2016 to  Alternatively, you can use a dedicate submission portal at<> Authors will be notified about acceptance by 1st July 2016. CostThe Colloquium sponsors will provide coffee, snacks and lunch for […]
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IMDD – Collaborations Entreprises-Recherche en SHS sur le thème du commerce

Institut du Marketing et Management de la Distribution (IMMD) – nouveau campus de la distribution à Roubaix, France.  14 octobre 2016 après-midi   Dans le cadre du 19e Colloque International Etienne Thil, le PICOM, l’association Etienne Thil et la MESHS organisent une session consacrée aux collaborations entre les entreprises de la filière du commerce et […]
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