L’épidémie de Covid-19 a créé une rupture dans nos routines de consommation notamment sur le plan spatial et territorial. En limitant les possibilités pour un individu de sortir de son domicile, l’épisode de confinement a transformé rapidement et en profondeur la consommation de l’espace et les espaces de consommation. L’espace domestique s’en trouve réinvesti, réapproprié. […]
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Mois : mars 2021
EM Lyon Taste Research Day II – 27.05.2021
In 2018, the lifestyle research center organized a seminar on taste. Following this event, Consumption, Markets & Culture published a special issue on taste edited by Anissa Pomiès (emlyon business school), Zeynep Arsel (Concordia University), and Jonathan Bean (University of Arizona). We are thrilled to announce that Taste Research Day II, second edition of the successful prior event, is […]
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Chair of Excellence PAUSE (Poverty And Sufficiency) – Post-doc position

Summary of the positionThe post-doc candidate will contribute to an international research project funded by I-Site ULNE. The Chair of Excellence leaded by Pr. Craig Thompson, University of Wisconsin- Madison, jointly with Dr. Hélène Gorge, University of Lille is titled: « Poverty and Sufficiency: Dynamics of Inclusion for Poor people to the Ecological Transition » […]
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Oliviane Brodin

Professeure de marketing à l’université d’Artois Oliviane Brodin est professeure à l’université d’Artois et directrice du Rime Lab ULR 7396. Ses recherches portent sur les diverses formes d’expressivité des consommateurs dans leurs dimensions culturelles et collectives (circulation de récits collectifs, tels les rumeurs, luxe ostensif sous- culturel, exposition de soi dans les media sociaux). La figure […]
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Felix Jelen

Doctoral candidate at University of Rouen Nomandie (NIMEC) Félix Jelen is a PhD candidate under the supervision of the prof. Renaud Garcia-Bardidia.Using qualitative methods, his work seeks to understand users of collaborative consumption in general, and Airbnb users in particular. Using both « dispositionalist and contextualist » Lahire’s theory and Goffman theoretical frame, he focuses his analysis […]
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Lucie Wiart

Teaching Assistant, Science Po Lille, LUMEN (IAE Lille, ULR 4999), CERAPS (UMR 8026). Lucie holds a Ph.D. in management and her research interests cover the areas of marketing and consumer research (market dynamics and alternative consumption) and organizational theory (alternative organizing, power relations within organizations, critical performativity). Through a knowledge of philosophical and political perspectives, […]
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