Ibtissame Abaidi

Assistant Professor in Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, IUT de Troyes (URCA, REGARDS)   Ibtissame ABAIDI is associate professor in management sciences at the University of Reims (IUT of Troyes), and doctor from the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole. Her main research area, digital marketing, include the perception of consumers toward the use of social […]
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Lynn Abou Jaoude

PhD Student in Marketing at University of Lille (LUMEN) Currently a PhD student in Management applied to health prevention & disaffiliation at The University of Lille, my thesis subject is about the understanding and development of a diabetes’ prevention program among a disaffiliated population. This thesis is part of a project by Precidiab – Institut […]
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Mathieu Alemany Oliver

Professeur de Marketing à la Toulouse Business School (Social & Innovation Marketing) Mathieu Alemany Oliver est professeur et co-responsable du MSc management des activités culturelles et créatives à TBS Education. Selected publications Alemany Oliver, M., and Belk, R. W. (Eds.)(2021), Like A Child Would Do: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Childlikeness in Past and Current Societies, […]
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Yasmine Allouat

Doctoral student in management sciences at the University of Lille (LUMEN) Yasmine is a member of the LUMEN laboratory, as well as the university chair Tex & Care for Circular Fashion. Her thesis work revolves around the transition of local distribution models and sustainable consumption alternatives within the framework of circular fashion. She employs a […]
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PhD Student at University Rouen Normandie (NIMEC) Currently a PhD student, Adam’s thesis and work revolve around video game consumption practices and in-game patterns of behaviours, particularly the ones deemed deviant or « toxic ». His research interests extend to encompass cultural consumption as a whole and dark/deviant participation. Selected publications Attouk A., Garcia-Bardidia (2020), Expérience et […]
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Adrien Bailly

Doctoral candidate at University of Lorraine (CEREFIGE) Adrien Bailly is currently PhD candidate under the supervision of Professors Björn Walliser (CEREFIGE) and Renaud Garcia-Bardidia (NIMEC). His doctoral research, funded by the University of Lorraine, is designed to produce a critical understanding of the way Information and Communications Technologies foster the development of business models based on […]
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Annie Banikema

Associate Professor at IUT of Evry  – University of Evry (LITEM) Annie BANIKEMA is associate professor in Management sciences at the University of Evry (IUT of Evry). Her main research area is consumer resistance, with a focus on individuals or groups practices towards alternative modes of consumption (self-managed cooperatives for example). More recently, she also […]
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Vanessa Beaudouin

Lecturer in Marketing at Ecole Universitaire de Management (IGR-IAE), Université de Rennes I Laboratoire du CREM UMR-CNRS 6211 Dr. Vanessa Beaudouin is a lecturer and researcher in Marketing at the University of Rennes 1 and ESC Rennes. Her research has focused on Consumer Culture Theory using the ethnographic approach. Her works address the consumer behavior […]
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Amina Béji Bécheur

Professeur des universités en sciences de gestion, Université Paris Est marne-la-vallée (Institut de Recherche en Gestion) Bio – Marketing as factory I study the forms of exchange which can be well known but weakly diffused into market to understand marketing transformations: it concerns fair trade, « responsible » marketing or cooperative marketing. Are these forms prefiguring social […]
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Amélie Bellion

Assistant Professor  at Université Rennes 2, member of the LiRIS (Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de recherche en innovations sociétales – EA 7481)   Amélie Bellion received a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from IGR-IAE de Rennes, University of Rennes 1. Her work is focused on the socio-anthropological study of innovation and (more recently) of the digital context. In […]
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