Associate Professor at Burgundy Business School Vivien Blanchet received a Ph.D. in management science from Paris-Dauphine University. Drawing from the Actor-Network Theory (ANT), he studies how organizations and consumers tackle societal and environmental issues to shape markets. He especially analyzes the role of controversies and criticisms in the formation, performation, and transformation of fair trade, […] Lire la suite →
Associate Professor à University Paris Est Créteil, Laboratoire IRG (Institut de Recherche en Gestion) Audrey Bonnemaizon studies the different forms of consumer participation whether the consumer is a citizen, a user, a patient or a member of a cooperative community-oriented enterprise. Mapping practices of his/her participation, understanding the effects of injunctions to participate on the […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor of Marketing at NEOMA Business School Stéphane Borraz a travaillé en tant que professionnel sur le marché de l’art (antiquités, décorations), et a exercé des fonctions de direction marketing dans le secteur du luxe. Diplômé de l’école du Louvre et docteur en sciences de gestion de l’IAE de Paris, ses travaux de recherche portent sur le marketing des […] Lire la suite →
PhD Student in Management Sciences, Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, (REGARDS) & Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University (CEROS) Florent Boudot-Antoine is currently preparing his doctoral dissertation under Dominique Roux-Bauhain (REGARDS) and Christophe Benavent’s (CEROS) supervision, funded by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and the Grand-Est Regional Council. His work aims to develop […] Lire la suite →
Associate Professor at Rennes 2 University and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Research on Societal Innovation (LiRIS EA 7481) Julien Bouillé’s research revolves around the study of the ethical, political and digital dimensions that underpin responsible as well as emerging consumer behaviours. His work particularly focuses on the rhetorical and semantic aspects of […] Lire la suite →
Ph.D. in Management Sciences – Marketing Maître de Conférences – Institut Montpellier Management (Université de Montpellier) – MRM Laurent Busca received a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from Université Toulouse Capitole. He is interested in the enactment of routine marketing practices and the way these practices influence the shaping of markets. Integrating various theoretical perspectives such […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Strasbourg (Laboratoire HuManiS – Humans and Management in Society) Marine Cambefort is Assistant Professor at University of Strasbourg. She received a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from Aix-Marseille University in 2016. Her dissertation deals with opinion leadership in a brand resistance context. Her main research projects focus on consumer resistance, particularly collective resistance […] Lire la suite →
Associate Professor of Sociology at Paris Descartes University (CERLIS) Vincent Chabault teaches courses in the sociology of consumption and sociology of book industry. His research is centered on understanding the role of commercial institutions in creating consumer culture and community life in France. His first book was on the history of FNAC cultural department […] Lire la suite →
Associate Professor of Marketing at Champagne School of Management, Troyes. Damien Chaney holds a Ph.D. and a HDR in Marketing from University of Burgundy. He has three main research interests: the social evaluation of firms and markets, extraordinary and alternative consumption and consumer behavior and coproduction. Selected publications Debenedetti A., Philippe D., Chaney D. and […] Lire la suite →
Directrice de recherche au CNRS (CSO, Sciences Po). Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel est historienne, directrice de recherche au CNRS et membre du Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (Sciences Po). Elle s’intéresse à l’histoire de la consommation, en particulier aux mobilisations autour de la consommation éthique au début du XXe siècle et aux enquêtes menées sur les modes […] Lire la suite →
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