Colloque Doctoral ALCOR x JNRC 2024

ALCOR et l’équipe des JNRC organisent une journée doctorale le mercredi 13 novembre 2024 à Rouen la veille des JNRC ! Cette journée doctorale est l’occasion d’échanges entre jeunes chercheurs en doctorat et chercheurs confirmés autour de questionnements multiples (e.g. méthodologiques, théoriques). Au programme, des sessions plénières de mentorat à destination des doctorants suivies d’ateliers […]
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Colloque Doctoral ALCOR x JNRC 2023

ALCOR et l’équipe des JNRC organisent une journée doctorale le mercredi 15 novembre 2023 à Cherbourg la veille des JNRC ! Cette journée doctorale est l’occasion d’échanges entre jeunes chercheurs en doctorat et chercheurs confirmés autour de questionnements multiples (e.g. méthodologiques, théoriques). Au programme, des sessions plénières de mentorat à destination des doctorants suivies d’ateliers […]
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Carnets de la Consommation – Appel à contributions, numéro spécial Consommation & Espace

L’épidémie de Covid-19 a créé une rupture dans nos routines de consommation notamment sur le plan spatial et territorial. En limitant les possibilités pour un individu de sortir de son domicile, l’épisode de confinement a transformé rapidement et en profondeur la consommation de l’espace et les espaces de consommation. L’espace domestique s’en trouve réinvesti, réapproprié. […]
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Chair of Excellence PAUSE (Poverty And Sufficiency) – Post-doc position

Summary of the positionThe post-doc candidate will contribute to an international research project funded by I-Site ULNE. The Chair of Excellence leaded by Pr. Craig Thompson, University of Wisconsin- Madison, jointly with Dr. Hélène Gorge, University of Lille is titled: « Poverty and Sufficiency: Dynamics of Inclusion for Poor people to the Ecological Transition » […]
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A paraître : Lemarchand N., Dupont L. (2021), The Geography of Retailing in France: More than 40 Years of Researches

In: Lois-González R.C. (eds) Geographies of Mediterranean Europe. Springer Geography. Springer, Cham. The aim of the chapter is to show the development of the geography of retailing in France since 1975 until today, that is, since the creation of the geography’s Commission of retailing by Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier within the French National Committee of Geography. […]
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Reimagining Post-Pandemic Enterprise Information Management and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Call for papers for: Journal of Enterprise Information Management IntroductionThe COVID-19 viral infection is a threat to society, economy, and the environment; and in the last six months it has affected businesses globally. COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic on 11th March 2020 after it spread quickly to many countries (WHO news).  Countries have taken different […]
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Living 2020, Talking Covid-19

  par joonas | Oct 31, 2020 | events, Uncategorized | 0 commentaires Most of the conversations about the year 2020 cover one theme: Covid-19. Living through 2020 and talking about 2020 have mostly been about understanding the impact of the covid pandemic in our lives, which was unfolded in the most diverse ways. The pandemic has changed how we work, study, eat, […]
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