Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University (URCA, REGARDS). Dominique Roux-Bauhain is a graduate of ESCP-EAP (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris) and Doctor of Management Sciences from the University of Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne. As a Professor of Marketing at University Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA), she is co-founder of ALCOR, an interdisciplinary research network dedicated to consumption and co-editor in chief for Carnets […] Lire la suite →
Professor of Marketing at University Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (COACTIS) Marie Schill is Professor of Marketing at the University of Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne. Her research interests focus on family daily practices and sustainable development. Her work has been published in Ecological Economics, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of […] Lire la suite →
Professor of Marketing at EM Lyon Lionel Sitz is responsible of the Transforming markets. Changing Lifestyles Research Center. It’s goal it to favour collaborations between researchers working on the functioning of markets, their transformations, their evolutions and their links with the ways people conduct their lives. His research interests concern, among other things, brand communities, relationships […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, IUT de Troyes (REGARDS). Alexander Tiercelin is Assistant professor at University of Reims – IUT Troyes. He teaches customer relationship management and entrepreneurship. Starting from our thesis devoted to the consumption practices of hardcore girl gamers, we question the relationship to the norms, and genders in the field […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, IUT de Troyes (REGARDS). I am a lecturer at the University of Reims – IUT of Troyes where I teach marketing at the point of sale, retailing and marketing strategy. My doctoral dissertation is about the shopping behavior of teenager groups at the point of sale. My […] Lire la suite →
La consommation au travers des mondes de Foucault 09h30 – 10h30 Accueil des participants Introduction 10h30 Discipliner la consommation – Christian Barrère, Université de Reims, Regards 11h00 La question des usages de Foucault pour penser la consommation – Stéphane Borraz, EDC Paris Business School-Ocre, Gregor-IAE 11h30 Apports de l’approche historique foucaldienne aux recherches sur la consommation – Hélène […] Lire la suite →
Appel à communication Le 19e Colloque International E.Thil sur le commerce, la consommation et la distribution aura lieu les 13 et 14 octobre 2016à l’Institut du Marketing et Management de la Distribution (IMMD), nouveau campus de la distribution à Roubaix, France.Le colloque sera précédé le 12 octobre d’une visite de conceptscommerciaux innovants. Procédure de soumission […] Lire la suite →
Gilles Lipovetsky Nous vivons une immense révolution qui agence pour la première fois une civilisation du léger.Le culte de la minceur triomphe ; les sports de glisse sont en plein essor ; le virtuel, les objets nomades, les nanomatériaux changent nos vies. La culture médiatique, l’art, le design, l’architecture expriment également le culte contemporain de […] Lire la suite →
Apply now to the 2nd Videography Workshop organised at EMLYON Business School, Lyon, France 16-18 May, 2016. This two-and-half-day intensive workshop is designed particularly for researchers, Phd students, and industry practitioners who wish to communicate their research through video medium, or who wish to prepare a videography submission for a conference. It consists of both […] Lire la suite →
Des utopies pour l’action publique. Les futurs démocratiques, économiques et numériques de l’Etat 15e édition des Rencontres Internationales de la Gestion Publique – Mercredi 25 mai 2016 Déstabilisé face à un futur insaisissable, l’État, comme déconnecté de son histoire, ne parvient pas à écrire son nouveau roman. À l’heure du règne des rapports […] Lire la suite →
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