Rédacteurs invités :Luc Marco, Université Paris 13-IHPM1(lucvamarco2@gmail.com)Yvon Pesqueux, CNAM, ESD R3C(yvon.pesqueux@lecnam.net)Cédric Poivret, Université Gustave Eiffel –Institut de recherche en gestion(cedric.poivret@univ-eiffel.fr) Date limite de soumission : 13 février 2023 Télécharger l’appel
Mois : mai 2022
Emna Cherif

Associate Professor at University Clermont-Auvergne (CleRMa) Emna CHERIF is an associate professor of Marketing at IAE Clermont Auvergne School of Management. She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and an Msc in Cognitive Science at EPHE Paris. Her research focuses on consumer behavior in digital environments including visual attention to […]
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Anne-Marie Lebrun

Associate Professor at University of Burgundy (CREGO) Anne-Marie Lebrun is an Associate Professor of marketing and management at the University of Burgundy. She is the Director of the Master in Sport Management since 2013. Her research interests and publications are in the field of consumer behavior in tourism, social representation and brand. Her current research […]
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