Intervention de Jean-Claude Daumas, Institut universitaire de France, Université de Franche-Comté Jean-Claude Daumas est intervenu le 25 juin lors de la journée « Consommation et Histoire » organisée par le laboratoire REGARDS et le CERHiC de l’Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne – avec le soutien de la MSH – Université de Reims, l’Association Française de Marketing […]
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Mois : juin 2019
Save the date! Theodore Schatzki at EM Lyon on September, 10, 2019
Lifestyle Research Center proudly presents Theodore Schatzki, Professor of Geography, and of Philosophy and Sociology at University of Kentucky, USA, a leading thinker and theorist of the social and practices. His most recent book Social change in a material world extends his research on Practice Theory and offers a new, practice theoretical account of social change and its explanation. What […]
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Sciences Po is recruiting!
Assistant professor (tenure track) in sociology with a focus on market techniques Download the job description in French and in English
Journée Consommation & Histoire
25 juin 2019 Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne « L’histoire de la consommation n’est pas anecdotique » affirme Jean-Claude Daumas (2018, p.7) en introduction de son dernier ouvrage, La révolution matérielle. Une histoire de la consommation, France XIXe-XXIe siècle. C’est même le prisme par lequel la plupart des activités humaines fondamentales – se loger, se nourrir, s’occuper, se distraire […]
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Anthony Beudaert
Associate professor of Marketing at the University Savoie Mont Blanc (IREGE) Anthony Beudaert is assistant professor of marketing at the University Savoie Mont Blanc (IREGE research center). His research interests focus on consumer vulnerability and exclusion issues, as well as sensory and experiential marketing. To date, his work has been dedicated to the context of consumers […]
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