Alexandre Tiercelin

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, IUT de Troyes (REGARDS). Alexander Tiercelin is Assistant professor at University of Reims – IUT Troyes. He teaches customer relationship management and entrepreneurship.  Starting from our thesis devoted to the consumption practices of hardcore girl gamers, we question the relationship to the norms, and genders in the field […]
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Sondes Zouaghi

Full Professor – IAE Caen – NIMEC Associate Editor of Décision Marketing Valorization Vice-President of AFM (French Marketing Association) As a researcher, I am interested in three areas in consumer behavior: Marketing Identity (ethnicity, self/we concept, professionnal/personnal identities), Social Marketing (associative environment, organ donation) and Paradigmatic Changes (role of the researcher in dissemination of ideas, […]
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Soraya Zouari

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, IUT de Troyes (REGARDS). I am a lecturer at the University of Reims – IUT of Troyes where I teach marketing at the point of sale, retailing and marketing strategy. My doctoral dissertation is about the shopping behavior of teenager groups at the point of sale. My […]
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Avez-vous lu ? Moati Ph. (2018), (Dé)penser la consommation, EMS, Collection Societing.

                          Peut-il y avoir une « bonne consommation » ?  Les limites du modèle de l’hyperconsommation sont de plus en plus perceptibles. Elles sont patentes sur le plan environnemental et, alors que la succession des « crises » (dans l’alimentaire, l’industrie pharmaceutique, l’automobile…) sape la confiance des consommateurs […]
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Unboxing the Sharing Economy: Opportunities and Risks of the Era of Collaboration

The Sociological Review Volume 66, Issue 2, March 2018 Introduction Sharing what? The ‘sharing economy’ in the sociological debate Davide Arcidiacono, Alessandro Gandini, Ivana Pais First Published March 15, 2018; pp. 275–288 Abstract Preview |  |  |  Part I: Sharing: concepts and boundaries Value and virtue in the sharing economy Adam Arvidsson First Published March 15, 2018; pp. 289–301 Abstract Preview […]
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Conférence « Peut-on « corriger » le climat. La tentation de la géoingénierie »

Conférence animée par Audrey Laude Depezey, Maître de conférences à la Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion de Reims et Troyes Jeudi 22 février 2018 de 16h-18h Reims, Campus Croix-Rouge, Amphi 8 Stockage du carbone, émissions négatives, management des rayons solaires… Sous ses airs de science-fiction, la géoingénierie propose moultes technologies visant à « corriger » […]
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