Auteur/autrice : Dominique Roux
Roux D., Guillard V. and Blanchet V. (2017), Of counter spaces of provisioning
Reframing the sidewalk as a parasite heterotopia Marketing Theory, first published October 5, 2017 Résumé Cet article s’intéresse au concept d’hétérotopie dans l’espace public. Sur la base d’observations et d’entretiens réalisés avec 19 personnes qui déposent et/ou ramassent des objets aux « encombrants », il montre que le trottoir est (1) un espace liminaire pour les […]
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Avez-vous lu ? Callon (2017), L’emprise des marchés
L’emprise des marchés, by Michel Callon (Paris, La Découverte) The grip of markets. Understanding how they function in order to change them While partisans and despisers of the market economy confront each other with a rare violence, a prior question arises: what is a market? Michel Callon shows that the organization of market activities is […]
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CFP – Consumer Culture Conference, June 28 – July, 1, 2018 Odense, Denmark
Submission Deadline: January 15, 2018Notification of Accepted Works: March 15, 2018 Conference Co-Chairs Domen Bajde,, University of Southern DenmarkDannie Kjeldgaard,, University of Southern Denmark Conference Theme: Consumer Culture Fairytales Odense is known for its fabled history. Even by name, Odense is linked to legends of old, since it means “the sanctuary […]
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CFP – 5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, Copenhagen, June 6 – 8, 2018.
Market Situations – Situated Markets:5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies WorkshopCopenhagen Business School, June 6 – 8, 2018 The Theme The 5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop will take place in Copenhagen, a city which derives its name from the harbour and the associated place of commerce that existed there from the 11th century. Købmannahavn translates as […]
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Odou Ph., Roberts G., and Roux D. (2017), Co-producing cyber protest: mesomobilization in the digital age
Consumption, Markets and Culture, 28 (1), 42-64 Abstract This article examines how mesomobilization deploys on the web to foster online resistance. We focus on a particular cyber protest targeting a governmental campaign against illegal downloading and show how webzines, as meso-level actors, managed to turn their readers’ comments into appealing frames around cultural legitimacy, […]
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Avez-vous lu ? Bernard Cova (2017), La vie sociale des marques, EMS
Bernard Cova (2017), La vie sociale des marques, EMS Les marques font partie de nos vies que nous le voulions ou non. Les marques sont présentes parmi nous et nous aident à forger nos identités. Elles nous fournissent matière à parler, à fêter, à s’engager, etc. Elles nous aident aussi à nous évader d’un […]
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JRMGE 2018 – 23 mars 2018, MONS (Belgique)
4ème Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand EstMons – vendredi 23 mars 2018 ORGANISATEURS et OBJECTIFS Le CCMS (Center for Research on Consumers and Marketing Strategy), Université Catholiquede Louvain et Université de Namur Le Centre Européen de Recherche en Economie Financière et Gestion des Entreprises – CEREFIGE, EA 3942, Université de Lorraine Le laboratoire […]
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Workshop sur la consommation collaborative à Paris-Dauphine
La consommation collaborative:Reflets et enjeux de la nouvelle société du partage Mercredi 27 Septembre 2017de 14h00 à 17h30 à l’Université Paris-DauphineSalle A709 (7ème étage) Retrouver le programme ici Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles,inscription obligatoire ICI
CFP – SI on Digitalized Markets, Consumption Markets & Culture, December 17, 2017
We invite studies of market digitalization processes including the emergence of new market forms that digitalization gives rise to, as well as studies of how digitalization transforms existing markets. Possible areas of interest concerning such market-related digitalization include studies that focus specifically on the digitalization of certain aspects of a market (e.g. its elements, processes […]
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