Mark your calendars for an exciting Sustainability Research Day organized by emlyon Lifestyle Research Center October 26, 2018 (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM), Musée Gadagne (Petit Théâtre), Lyon 5ème The objective of this research day is to bring together scholars from different disciplines and engage in a critical discussion about sustainability bringing together different […]
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Mois : septembre 2018
EMAC 48th Annual Conference
Dates: May 28-31, 2019 Location: Hamburg, Germany Paper submission Deadline: December 5, 2018 14:00 CET Time
Consumption, Markets & Culture Special Issue: Taste – Deadline: November 15, 2018
Guest editors: Anissa Pomiès (emlyon business school), Zeynep Arsel (Concordia University), and Jonathan Bean (University of Arizona) Taste is a cross-disciplinary research object spanning diverse empirical contexts including food, visual arts, wine, music, fashion, literature, and decoration. While dramatic theoretical shifts punctuate the history of the concept of taste (Pomiès and Arsel, forthcoming), we call […]
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CFP – 7th Edition of the Let’s Talk About Service (LTAS) Workshop
5-7 December 2018 – Ghent (Belgium) 2018 Theme « Smart Use of the Extant Literature” We are delighted to announce that the 7th Let’s Talk About Service Workshop will be held from December 5 to 7, 2018 in Ghent, hosted by the Center for Service Intelligence (Ghent University, Belgium). LTAS is empowered by the Service Special Interest Groups (SERVSIG) […]
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Odou, Darke et Voisin (2018), Promouvoir les comportements pro-environnementaux grâce à l’hypocrisie induite
Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Article first published online: September 10, 2018 Abstract Dans le domaine de la consommation pro-environnementale, les recherches se sont évertuées ces dernières années à expliquer l’écart existant entre les attitudes et les comportements effectifs. Trois études expérimentales montrent que lorsque la contradiction entre ce que les individus disent et ce […]
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CFP – 24th Colloquium in the History of Management and Organizations
« Information Ecosystems » March 27th-29th 2019 in Nice Organised by the French Association for the History of Management and Organizations (AHMO) and Université Côte d’Azur – EDHEC Business School, GREDEG (UMR 7321) and MSHS Sud-Est (USR 3566) Important deadlines • Submission of Papers: Short papers (3.000 words) written either in English or French should […]
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URGENT ! Poste d’ATER à pourvoir à l’IUT de Reims
Le poste plein temps est à pourvoir au Département Techniques de Commercialisation. Cours à assurer Management de l’unité commerciale, négociation, achat qualité, communication commerciale, simulation de gestion, préparation aux concours de négociation ou concours de publicité Flux d’étudiants concernés : environ 350 étudiants Responsabilités pédagogiques éventuelles à exercer Suivi de stages, suivi de projets, recrutements Compétences particulières […]
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Julien Bouillé
Associate Professor at Rennes 2 University and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Research on Societal Innovation (LiRIS EA 7481) Julien Bouillé’s research revolves around the study of the ethical, political and digital dimensions that underpin responsible as well as emerging consumer behaviours. His work particularly focuses on the rhetorical and semantic aspects of […]
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