Professor of marketing at Grenoble IAE, the Graduate School of Management at University Grenoble Alpes Jean-Luc Giannelloni is head of the marketing department of Grenoble IAE, University Grenoble Alpes. A former vice-president, in charge of research, of the French Marketing Association (AFM), he is past co-editor in chief of one of the AFM’s journals, Décisions Marketing. […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University (URCA, REGARDS). I am a assistant professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. My research focuses on the question of normality – deviance and norm. Essentially, I examine edging fields (drugs, alcohol, sex, gangs, etc.) from an ethnographic perspective and through Foucault’s philosophy and the Chicago school […] Lire la suite →
ATER à l’IUT d’Evreux (NIMEC) Je travaille sur les dispositions à entreprendre des femmes entrepreneures dans un contexte particulier en l’occurrence migratoire. Je fais une thèse de doctorat sous la direction de Sondès ZOUAGHI et Eric REMY. Je reviens à la thèse après une carrière professionnelle de 15 ans dans les médias en tant que […] Lire la suite →
Full Professor at the University of Maine, Le Mans, France (UFR Law, Economy and Management) Christine Gonzalez is full professor in marketing at the University of Maine in Le Mans (UFR Droit Economy Gestion). Her researchfocus(1) on the value consumers withdraws from exchanges with organizations and (2) on how consumers develop a « sense of exchange […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor at Université of Lille (MERCUR-LSMRC research center) Hélène Gorge is assistant professor in marketing at the Université de Lille. She is a member of MERCUR-LSMRC research center. She mostly uses sociological and historical perspectives in her work to investigate the transformative nature of consumption in various contexts; poverty in particular, but also health […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor of Marketing at Burgundy University, IUT de Dijon (CREGO), HDR Laurence Graillot is Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Burgundy – IUT de Dijon. Her research deals mainly with tourism and tourist behaviors. Her thesis has analysed the influence of emotions on the choice of tourist destinations. Her work focuses on hyperreal […] Lire la suite →
Junior Professor at University Paris Dauphine (Dauphine Research in Management) Adèle Gruen is a Junior Professor in Marketing at the University Paris Dauphine, where she holds a Chair in Management and Ecological Transition. Adele’s research interests are grounded in consumer culture. First, she explores the boundaries between consumption and work. Her work studies new ways […] Lire la suite →
Maître de conférences en gestion à l’Université de Nantes, IUT de Saint-Nazaire (LEMNA, EA 4272) Biographie Thèse de doctorat en 2011 à l’Université de Bourgogne, sur l’étude conjointe de la valeur expérientielle de l’utilisation et de magasinage. Je suis aujourd’hui en poste à l’IUT de Saint-Nazaire. Thèmes de recherche Je travaille aujourd’hui sur le […] Lire la suite →
Professor of Marketing at at the University of Paris-Saclay (RITM). Nathalie Guichard is PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne. She is full professor at the University of Paris-Saclay where she is a member of the RITM research center. Her main field of research focuses on the behaviour of young […] Lire la suite →
Professeur des Universités en Marketing à l’Université Paris-Dauphine (Dauphine Recherches en Management, DRM) Ses recherches portent sur le comportement du consommateur, notamment le trait de superstition, l’anxiété sociale, l’attitude à l’égard de l’argent. Elle s’intéresse également aux comportements et pratiques à l’égard des objets de seconde main, thème sur lequel elle a coordonné un […] Lire la suite →
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