Associate Professor-HDR (Ph.D. adviser qualification) at Paris-Saclay University (RITM) Valérie Nicolas-Hémar is Associate Professor-HDR (Ph.D. adviser qualification) at Paris-Saclay University where she is member of the research center RITM in economics and management. She conducts research on food consumption and well-being, the consumer socialization of children and family consumption. She took part in the ANRprogram […] Lire la suite →
Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University (REGARDS). My research examines cognitive and emotional dimensions of consumer decision making. Much of this research focuses on the influence of the beliefs system on judgment (stereotypic beliefs about product’s origin or company in general via skepticism or cynicism, social or ethical beliefs) and how consumers are coping […] Lire la suite →
Professor of Marketing at EBS – European Business School, Paris Marie-Catherine Paquier is Associate Professor of Marketing at EBS – European Business School in Paris. She is also affiliated with the Laboratoire interdisciplinaire des sciences de l’action (CNRS 2604). After a PhD on the influence of contexts on the purchasing experience of monastic products at […] Lire la suite →
Anthropologue, PhD. & Chercheur associé (ILTP, Université de Lausanne) Fondateur ThinkDifferentTank Lyon – Paris – Lausanne m: +336 59 22 38 67 e: Fanny Parise est chercheur associé à l’Institut Lémanique de Théologie Pratique de l’Université de Lausanne (Suisse), elle est docteur en socio-anthropologie (Sorbonne Paris Cité) et journaliste (Ecole Supérieur de Journalisme […] Lire la suite →
Lecturer in Marketing at Paris Est University (IUT Sénart-Fontainebleau) Laure Perraud holds a PhD in Management Science, Marketing, from the University of Burgundy, CERMAB, CREGO EA 7317. She is a co-director of the Licence “e-commerce and digital marketing” at Paris 12 University (IUT of Sénart-Fontainebleau). Her research interests include resistance to advertising and particulary intrusive online […] Lire la suite →
Doctorante à l’Université de Rouen, Laboratoire NIMEC, axe « consommation, socialisation et expérience » Après un parcours 100% marketing, multi secteurs, multi-produits, je me suis formée à la sémiotique, outil structurant d’analyse pour comprendre l’ éco système, source culturelle des interactions individuelles de consommation. J’appartiens à une génération qui a assisté à une transformation du marketing avec […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor of Marketing at emlyon business school Anissa Pomiès holds a Master’s degree in Sociology from La Sorbonne University and École Normale Supérieure. She received a Ph.D. in Marketing from La Sorbonne University and ESCP Europe. She explores market dynamics and taste through ethnographic methods. She is also interested in epistemology and the visual translation […] Lire la suite →
Lecturer at Ibn Tofail University (, Kénitra, Morocco, Head of the Research Master « Digital Marketing Strategies – DSM » Laboratoire CRM – Centre de Recherche en Management et Commerce ( Mohammed Qmichchou teaches Digital Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. He is currently working on the Moroccan online consumer behavior. His research aims to understand the determinants […] Lire la suite →
Maître de Conférences à l’IAE de Lille – Université de Lille (LUMEN) Mes thèmes de recherche portent sur les pratiques des consommateurs en situation de vulnérabilité et notamment en situation d’acculturation ethnique. Je m’intéresse également aux dynamiques de transformation sociales des marchés et plus particulièrement le rôle du servicescape et de la marque dans ces […] Lire la suite →
Professor of Marketing at Rouen University (NIMEC). My research deals with consumption as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The idea is, differently from psychological approaches to the consumer, to mobilize anthropological perspectives, in particular those from the Consumer Culture Theory. I have addressed several issues related to culture: regionality, ethnicity, youth, and music consumption. My current research […] Lire la suite →
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