Maîtresse de conférences à l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc (IREGE) Ingénieure agronome de formation, Margot Dyen est maître de conférences en sciences de gestion. Ses travaux se concentrent sur les pratiques alimentaires, appréhendées en termes de durabilité, de bien-être et de santé. Publications principales S. Guillemot, M. Dyen, A. Tamaro (2021) The process of coping with […] Lire la suite →
Professor of Marketing at INSEEC Business School Paris Mariem El Euch’s research focuses on understanding consumer behavior, his values, representations and his critical point of view about consumption and market practices. I am particularly interested in customer loyalty, luxury brands and gastronomy. Selected publications Salvador M., El Euch Maalej M. et Frochot I. (2017), Le […] Lire la suite →
Associate Professor à University Paris Est, Laboratoire IRG (Institut de Recherche en Gestion) Hajar El Karmouni is assistant professor at Université Paris Est. She is member of IRG research center. Her work explores new forms of collaborative distribution, consumer work, through ethnographic methods. Selected publications Bonnemaizon A., El Karmouni H. et Maignan M. (2019), […] Lire la suite →
PhD in Management Sciences and Research Professor at the Paris School of Business Karim Errajaa is a member of the Marketing and Value Creation Department, Chairs Living Healt and NewPic (New Practices for Innovation and Creativity) of Paris Shool of Business. He is a member of the GRANEM laboratory of the University of Angers. […] Lire la suite →
Assistant Professor of Marketing at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University (URCA, REGARDS). Rémi Evrard is associate professor in Marketing at Reims University and CUT (Troyes). His is interested in retailing, CRM and Luxury. At the moment, he is responsible for the Master 2 « Economy of Taste and Luxury » at URCA. Institutional Membership Association Française de Marketing […] Lire la suite →
Professeure des Universités en Sciences de Gestion à l’Université Le Havre Normandie (Laboratoire NIMEC) Pascale Ezan est professeure des universités en sciences de gestion. Elle a été pendant vice-présidente en charge de la recherche et de l’innovation à l’université Le Havre Normandie (2016-2020). Au sein de son laboratoire, le NIMEC (Normandie Innovation Marché Entreprise et […] Lire la suite →
Doctorante en Marketing à l’Université de Caen (NIMEC) Mes recherches portent sur le marketing durable, le marketing des services et la distribution. Plus spécifiquement, je travaille actuellement sur l’impact des politiques de services durables sur le comportement du consommateur dans la grande distribution spécialisée. Contact :
Ph.D. Candidate in Marketing at IAE Poitiers – University de Poitiers (CEREGE) Federico García Baena is currently PhD candidate under the supervision of Professor Thomas Stenger (CEREGE). His doctoral research focuses on the self-tracking experience of the culturally situated boxer, CrossFit, and fitness enthusiasts. With an ethnographic method, Federico dived in these different sub-cultures for […] Lire la suite →
Professor of Marketing at INSPE Dijon – University of Burgundy (CREGO) Renaud Garcia-Bardidia‘ s research deals with emerging internet uses and the digitalization of consumption practices. He has worked in particular on the stigma associated with illegal downloading and videogames, but also on collaboration and conflicts in metaverses, social networks or sharing economy platforms. His research […] Lire la suite →
Associate Professor of social psychology at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, IUT de Troyes, (Laboratoire C2S). Emmanuèle Gardair holds a Phd in Psychology from Paris X University, France, 1997 : « Influence sociale et résolution de problèmes liés aux biais cognitifs ». She is interested in the social psychology of superstitious beliefs and representations of leisure. Selected publications […] Lire la suite →
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